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Did you Gauge your Ears when you were Younger?

Gauged Ear Lobe Repair

Many people do not realize that the actions they engage in today will usually produce results that they will have to live with for quite a while afterwards. One such example is when they go to sleep without removing large earrings or when they wear other large pieces of jewelry in their ears for extended periods of time. However, the good news is that gauged ear lobe repair can be performed by an accredited cosmetic surgeon.

Minimally Invasive Surgery Needed

After realizing that their ear lobes are gauged or distorted, most people are eager to know how they can be repaired. If the damage is not too severe, it can normally be repaired after a local anesthetic has been administered to the patient. In most cases, the procedure can also be performed at a plastic surgeon’s premises instead of in hospital. The gauged ear lobe repair procedure is classified as being minimally invasive as well, which means that patients are normally able to be discharged on the same day that the procedure was carried out.

Performing the Procedure

Once a surgeon has determined whether a patient is a suitable candidate for gauged ear lobe surgery, he or she will start by carefully removing any tissue that is scarred or damaged – after giving the patient a local anesthetic. Once the damaged tissue has been thoroughly removed, the hole in the ear lobe will be stitched up as delicately as possible to ensure that minimal scarring occurs afterwards. After a week has passed, the surgeon will remove the stitches, which will enable the ear lobe to look and function normally again.

Re-Piercing the Ears

A month after having this procedure performed, patients who would like to have their ears pierced again can do so by visiting their cosmetic surgeon’s consulting rooms. This will not only enable the surgeon to perform a follow-up inspection of the surgery site; it will enable the patient to have his or her ears pierced in an environment that is safe and sterile as well. There is little to no risk associated with having the ears re-pierced, as the probability of bleeding or bruising of this part of the ear is extremely low.

Post-Operative Care

After the ears have been re-pierced, a surgeon will prescribe a topical antibiotic ointment to the patient, which will usually need to be applied to the pierced area twice a day, as this will help reduce the risk of any infection occurring. When purchasing earrings or other forms of ear jewelry, it is essential for patients to ensure that they are obtained from reputable sources and that they are comprised of either gold, sterling silver, titanium or stainless steel, as other types of metal can cause the piercing site to turn green in color or become infected.

There is no longer a need for anyone to feel embarrassed about their gauged ear lobes, as they can be repaired quickly and easily – provided that the procedure is carried out by a reputable and experienced cosmetic surgeon.