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Foods You Should Stay Away From During Your Post Surgery Period

Post Op Surgery Foods to Avoid

After having cosmetic surgery performed, many patients are aware that they will need to get up and about a few days afterwards to aid the recovery process. However, not many of them realize that the diet they consume during this time will also play a large role in how quickly they recover. Here are a few post plastic surgery tips with regards to foods that should be avoided during this time.

Why Some Foods should be avoided

Any form of surgery places an immense amount of stress on the body as a whole, and as a result, it needs all the help it can get when it comes to recovering. Ensuring that you only engage in good nutritional habits will help boost the healing process, which will in turn reduce the risk of infections developing. In many cases, it can help prevent excessive scarring from occurring as well. A diet that is poor in essential nutrients can actually promote the development of inflammation in the body, which will slow doe the healing process as well.

Processed Foods

It may be tempting to simply order takeout for the first few days after having your procedure carried out; however, most of these so-called meals will provide your body with little to no nutritional value whatsoever. Foods that have high sugar content and those consisting of mostly carbohydrates should also be avoided for the first few weeks after your surgery. Any foods that have a high glycemic index (GI) such as white flour should also be avoided during this time, as they can also suppress the immune system and promote internal inflammation. Deep fried foods and those containing any form of saturated fat should also be avoided.

Caffeine and Alcohol

While caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant, alcohol performs the exact opposite function in the body. However, it is important to note that both of these substances have one thing in common – they cause the blood to become extremely thin. This will not only inhibit the healing process tremendously; it can cause excessive bruising and even result in a patient experiencing internal bleeding if the blood becomes too thin.

Certain Vitamin Supplements

While these may not be actual foodstuffs, many vitamin and mineral supplement products can inhibit a patient’s ability to heal properly after having plastic surgery performed. Therefore, it is essential for patients to refrain from taking any form of supplements that contain Vitamin C, Vitamin B (any form), Vitamin K, Vitamin E, fish oil products and even some multi-vitamin products until such time as they are given the go-ahead to do so by their surgeons.

If you adhere to the above mentioned post plastic surgery tips regarding your diet and usage of supplements, you can look forward to healing as quickly as possible after having your surgery performed. It is also essential for patients to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day, as this will help eliminate anesthesia and other toxins from the body quickly and effectively.