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What’s the Recovery Timeline Following a Typical FFS Procedure?

FFS Surgery Recovery

“What’s the recovery timeline following a typical FFS procedure?”—that’s a great question.

If you’re thinking about FFS surgery, recovery is a big part of the process.

Here’s everything you need to know:

The Day (and Night) of Surgery—You’ll Be at the Mardirossian Facial Aesthetics Overnight Recovery Suite or at the Jupiter Medical Center with Nurses and Staff

Staying in the recovery suite overnight means that you’ll always have nurses and staff to take care you. They’ll make sure your:

  • Bandages are on properly
  • Swelling is reduced
  • Pain is controlled

They’ll also be readily available to answer any questions and make sure you are as comfortable as possible.

The Next Day—The Goal is to Get You Home

We want you to get home as soon as possible. We’ll come look at you first thing in the morning and over the course of the day. Typically, patients are cleared to go home in the morning or in the early afternoon. Once cleared, you should go home and rest with a friend or family member present at all times.

The First Week—Rest is the Most Important Thing You Can Do

Resting for the first week after surgery will give your body a chance to recover and heal itself.

Swelling and pain will decrease, and you’ll slowly start to feel more energetic.

The 8-10 Day Mark—Your First Post-Operative Visit

Your sutures will likely be removed and your condition will be assessed. Any questions and/or concerns will be answered and addressed. Typically, patients will be cleared to start performing normal day-to-day activities (i.e. cleaning, shopping, etc.) after this visit.

The 2-3 Week Mark—You Should Be Cleared to Work

Your 2-3-week appointment is an important one. Your condition will be assessed and your surgeon will make a decision in regards to returning to work (most patients do).

The Three Month Mark

Your swelling will be minimal if at all. You’ll see marked (and amazing) improvements in your facial features.  Masculine features will no longer be present.

The Six Month Mark

A tremendous amount of healing will have occurred. Maximum results are usually seen. Scarring will not be visible.

The 1-Year Mark

You’ll be fully healed. Results between the 6th and 12th month will be seen, but they won’t be as drastic as those seen between the 3rd and 6th month.

Putting It All Together

You now know the recovery timeline following a typical FFS procedure. Use this information to help you make a decision in regards to FFS surgery. When you’re ready, we’d love to help. Please give us a call and we’ll set you up with an appointment. You’ll be well on your way to a new feminine face that you’ll love.