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What is a SOOF Lift? How It Can Make You Look Much Younger

SOOF Eye Lift

As the aging process sets in, many people find that they are developing swollen bags, excess skin, wrinkles and dark discoloration around and under their eyes. At the same time, the eyelids show signs of drooping as well, all of which results in the eyes looking unnaturally wide. While many of them may think that this is ‘simply a part of aging,’ there is a procedure that can help them regain a younger appearance – in the form of a SOOF lift.

Introducing the Lower Eye Lift

The SOOF (short for suborbicularis oculi fat) lift, or lower eye lift as it is otherwise known as, can be performed on patients who have noticed the development of the above mentioned characteristics as a result of the skin losing its elasticity and the fat under the skin shifting downwards. Surgeons who perform this procedure will make the smallest possible incision just below the eye on the outside or inside the eyelid itself. Once this has been done, the fatty tissue in the immediate area is then correctly repositioned and reattached to the cheekbone.

How This Procedure Can Help

Unlike many other facial rejuvenation procedures, the SOOF lift is somewhat of a more invasive option in that patients will require as long as 2 weeks to recover fully. Owing to the fact that incisions need to be made either under the eyelashes (known as a subciliary incision) or on the inside of the eyelids, which is the more commonly used method now, it is crucial that this procedure be carried out by a plastic or cosmetic surgeon who is extensively skilled and experienced at performing it. Once the area has healed completely though, patients will see that the skin under and around their eyes looks a lot smoother, rejuvenated and of course more aesthetically pleasing.

Finding the Right Surgeon

Not many plastic or cosmetic surgeons are skilled and knowledgeable when it comes to performing this type of lower eye lift procedure. As a result, a patient should always ensure that he or she performs extensive research before deciding which surgeon will perform the procedure. 5 days after having the procedure performed, the patient will need to have the stitches removed by the surgeon and will have to make use of lubricating ointment to prevent the eyes from drying out. Bandages may also be applied to the affected area for a few days until thorough healing has taken place. This will promote healing and also help prevent any infection from setting in around the incisions.

Patients will need to endure that they have someone who will be able to help them with day to day tasks for a few days after the surgery has been performed, as it can take a short while for the anesthesia and the effects of the pain medication to wear off. It is also essential for patients to follow the instructions given by their plastic surgeon with regards to post-operative care, as this will help ensure that the recovery period is as pain-free as possible.